The Essex County Federation held its Virtual Annual Meeting on December 9. The members
present were given an up-date on recent ECFA activities as well as a report on the OFA
Convention that was held in Toronto. Keith Currie, Vice President of the Canadian Federation
of Agriculture was the guest speaker sharing views on current industry events. Elections were
held with Maurice Chauvin, Leo Guilbeault, Jim McLachlan, Chad Quinlan and Kevin Ross being
elected for three-year terms.
This meeting also saw Wesley Haggins chosen as the recipient of the Charles A. Diemer
Scholarship. Congratulations and Good Luck in the future.
The executive was elected at the first board meeting following the Annual Meeting in January.
Leo Guilbeault was chosen as the President for the next year. Joining him as Vice-Presidents
were Scott Douglas and Josh Mailloux. The ECFA would like to extend our thanks and
appreciation to Lyle Hall as outgoing President for his past years of service.
For more information on the Essex County Federation of Agriculture, please contact the office
at 519-776-5159.